Nowadays, Digital Team Building Activities has become problematic and challenging, while all the employees are working from home. Team building activities are a great way to get your remote team connected together.

At SOS, we have the best Digital Team Building Activities  & online team bonding ideas that could help you with this challenging problem. SOS has conducted the best digital team-building activities and exercises within an organization. 

This article includes:

Here we go!

Why are these Digital Team Building Activities necessary for your organization?

Digital Team building plays a significant part in the organization. However, the organization is Huge in that, have more than hundreds of employees working in different parts of the city or continents. At this point, virtual team activities play a significant role.

What are the challenges of digital team activities?

Our recent remote work survey revealed the real-world challenges we are all dealing with: feeling invisible at work, overcoming new obstacles to organic teamwork.

The most noticeable common thread running through all of these obstacles, physically separated from our colleagues.

Here are 8 Latest Digital Team Building Activities For Office Remote Employees:

1. Laughter Club

The SOS Laughter club has hands full of Stand-up comedians, which will make you laugh with their punchlines. Their punchlines will make you roll over and over again.

2. Bingo:- Digital Team Building  Games

Everyone enjoys a good game of bingo because it is easy, entertaining, and encourages healthy competition. You will play rounds of online bingo. It is not the old bingo. In this fully hosted affair, we keep it light-hearted and welcoming. When you cross off squares on your screen, your facilitator/Emcee can play music or display videos instead of calling out numbers.

3. Mindful Mondays- Therapy sessions

The therapy session is the best if your digital team members or work-from-home(WFH) employees feeling anxious and stressed out because of work. Led by a certified Movement Therapist, these digital team activities help in:

  • Releasing stress
  • Improving self-esteem
  • Enhancing creativity and imagination
  • Relaxing muscles

4. Healthy Lifestyle Advice

The word “Fitness”, around which everything revolves. It includes work, performance, or attitude. However, the problem is that most people ignore it; as a result, this affects our performance and energy negatively. Different people have different and unique abilities, strengths for, achieving that, it is necessary to stay fit and follow a different lifestyle pattern.  We organize corporate wellness programs for the Safe health of employees.  

5. Music Program

Music plays a bigger role in digital team-building exercises when it comes to reducing stress or relaxing. The research shows that slow music helps in mental relaxation and stress management. Faster music makes you more energetic and increases your concentration level.

6. Expert consultation

Delight your work-from-home team members by bringing to them an expert consultant panel who has represented the popular organization at a national level. Employees can ask anything they want.

  • About their struggling period
  • All about their strongest competitors
  • Their famous and nervous moments
  • Expectations pressure
  • How does it feel like to be popular

7. Witty Wednesdays- Personal Financial Planning Day

Employees always get confused with their payslips, tax obligations, increments, appraisals, and how to manage/invest their money. Personal Finance Coach who will guide them for saving, insurance, and investment. Also, guide them to plan for the emergency. With this, employees’ budgeting and financial goals tasks are easily compiled.

8. Virtual Travel Party

Give your employees an exciting experience through a virtual travel party. That destination may be the churches of Goa, the sand desert of Kutch, any Hill station, or any other place, our guide, which provides a complete overview of the destination in detail. Now employees do not have to take the tickets, hotel booking, and food expenses, only enjoy everything virtually.

The SOS has a professional band that will set your mood. You can also enjoy a virtual music fest with us.